Book Reviews

I review both literary and mystery fiction, as well as craft the occasional feature, for book world "go to" Publishers Weekly, which has been informing librarians, booksellers, literary agents, readers and, of course, publishers since 1872.
You may not be able to get behind the paywall for some of the links below, but here's hoping.
Selected Interviews
Rachel Beanland on The House is on Fire
Elizabeth Brundage on All Things Cease to Appear
Jennifer Egan on Manhattan Beach
Anna Lee Huber on Treacherous is the Night
M.R.C. Kasasian on The Mangle Street Murders
Elizabeth Letts on Finding Dorothy
Julie Orringer on The Flight Portfolio
Charles Palliser on Rustication
Vanessa Riley on Murder in Westminster
Kate Saunders on The Secrets of Wishtide
Maryla Szymiczkowa on Mrs. Mohr Goes Missing
Kai Thomas on In the Upper Country