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Stories of Inspiration: Mystery Fiction


With a Preface by Holly Robinson and essays by authors from the U.S., U.K. and beyond, Stories of Inspiration: Mystery Fiction Edition explores the transformation of a rough idea into a compelling work of mystery fiction. Essays in the collection feature new and established voices, sub-genres from cozies to literary novels, and mystery-based plots set in a rich array of places and times. 

Each author’s perspective is vividly distinct, yet all of them touch on the same fascinating questions. Where do mystery ideas come from? How do they change during the drafting process? How do elements such as setting, period and milieu help drive and define mystery novels? Why is murder such an enduring starting point for fiction? 

Illuminating the process and personalities of exceptional authors, celebrating one of fiction's most versatile genres, and illuminating the nature of the creative process itself, Stories of Inspiration: Mystery Fiction Edition will appeal to lovers of literature and fiction, writers seeking insight and inspiration for their own work, and readers eager to learn more about mystery fiction and its practitioners.

With contributions from Diana Bretherick, Frances Brody, Elizabeth Brundage, Elizabeth Buhmann, Nancy J. Cohen, Suzanne Fox, Christine Goff, Stephen Gore, Erin Hart, Linda Gordon Hengerer, James Tate Hill, Andrew Hughes, D.E. Ireland, J. Sydney Jones, M.R.C. Kasasian, Jennifer Kincheloe, Mary Lawrence, Grant McKenzie, John Mackie, Edith Maxwell, Camille Minichino, Toby Neal, Chris Nickson, Ann Parker, Eliot Pattison, Michael Ransom, Barbara Ross, Lynn Sholes & Joe Moore, Joanna Campbell Slan, Maggie Toussaint, Wendy Tyson, Bob van Laerhoven, Tina Whittle, Michael Wiley, Max Wirestone, and Michael Zolezzi

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