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What Others Say


Speaking Sponsors & Guests Say...


Suzanne is one of the most engaging, informed and organized presenters our community of lifelong learners continues to enjoy and request each year. She is articulate and very good at involving participants in any size group while providing a safe and nurturing environment in which to be creative. Her wide range of writing workshops and topics embraces life experience and celebrates our memories. The conversations she inspires continue long after the workshop has ended. Participants marvel at what she has coaxed them to commit in writing and come away believing their time was well spent. She is a joy to work with and always delivers resulting in rave reviews. —Laura Kelly, while Program Director, Fielden Institute for Lifelong Learning at Indian River State College


When I arrived for class with my three photos in hand, I was honestly doubtful that they would prove much of a memoir key. Boy, was I wrong. I can't believe how many memories arose from the simple but deep process you led us through. Student, Picturing Our Lives workshop


Thank you so much for that amazing workshop! I can't tell you how inspired and energized I was when I left—I couldn't wait to go home and write! —Student, Effortless Memoir workshop


"Writing Our Mothers" was one of the most moving and transformative classes I've ever taken. In our day together, I uncovered new insights about my mother and my own mothering, learned new writing strategies, was introduced to new writers and books, and met amazing women who share so many experiences with me. I'm awed and grateful. —Student, Writing Our Mothers workshop


I've taken every class I could with Suzanne over the years and enjoyed every one. If I had to name one quality that makes her stand out, I think it would be her ability to combine in-depth information, wise insight, and just plain fun. Time in her joyous, knowledgeable presence just flies. Student, various workshops


Clients Say...


I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate your expertise, professionalism, and wit. You are incredible—and without your help I'm sure that neither that #1 category ranking on Amazon nor the IPPY award would have happened. —Bill Keeton, author of A Boy Called Combustion: Growing Up in 1940s Mississippi, winner of the 2014 Independent Publishers Award for Southern Nonfiction

You help people weave together the fragments of life—the broken, hidden and lost pieces as well as the joyous ones—into stories of wholeness that celebrate and heal. An encounter with you in any form is always filled with laughter, direction, and wisdom. Your assistance has been transformational in helping me make my work visible in the community and to myself. —Dr. Beth Mount, Capacity Works, author of Journey to the Beloved Community


Over the past eight years, Suzanne Fox has worked with me on many of the most challenging book projects I undertake as the owner of a company that creates life and family histories. Her deep understanding of books and diverse background comes into play in her ability to take wide-ranging technical information and make it accessible. She has an eye for the shape of a book, for what goes in and what should be left out because it doesn’t advance the narrative, and for title and opening segments, key elements of any book. She is a treasure and I don’t know what I’d do without her. —Kathy Evans, owner and biographer, Write for You Life Stories LLC


Producing a polished book publication is an incredibly complex process that involves planning and scheduling, estimating costs, choosing vendors, monitoring tasks and meeting deadlines, making formatting decisions and setting up a production workflow, checking facts and ensuring quality standards are met. I have worked with Suzanne on a wide range of publications over the past 15 years and am constantly impressed with her consistently brilliant vision for a book and her thoughtful and well-executed process. —CJ Madigan, owner and book designer, Shoebox Stories


We met Suzanne and were very pleased with her engaging presentation, teaching style and enthusiasm throughout our collaboration on a seminar series. Her presentation on identifying the people in life who have contributed to one’s personal transformation was highly rated by all participants. After this project concluded, we continued our relationship with Suzanne by hiring her as a consultant to develop a new community outreach project for Treasure Coast Hospice’s exclusive use. With Suzanne’s content development, insight and guidance we developed a half day workshop and accompanying guidebook. Suzanne understands our objectives and has also provided excellent train the trainer education to enable us to continue offering these workshops on our own. Suzanne Fox is a delightful woman as well as a talented artist, author and teacher, and I highly recommend her talents to anyone. —Lori Posdal, then Director of Community Relations, Treasure Coast Hospice


I amindebted to Suzanne Fox for her knowledge, wisdom, suggestions and guidance on the text and publication of my books as well as for their striking cover designs. As a scholarly author but a newcomer to the field of "trade" books, I found her combination of expertise and integrity to be an essential support every step of the way from revision to publication. I am most fortunate that our paths crossed. —Alan Graham PhD, author of Plants and Crime and Gateway to Murder


You have kept me on track and challenged me to be better than I thought I could be. You showed me where to make the stories stronger and more meaningful to a wider audience of readers. Today, when someone tells me “It was like having a cup of coffee and talking to you,” I know it's because you more clearly saw the bigger vision and kept the voice true to who I am. Your broad knowledge of the publishing industry has been apparent throughout this project, and I am proud to have you associated with my book. —Sue Holbrook, author of Faith Breezes and Encounters

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